
Lifting Projects UK complete works at The All England Lawn Tennis Club


The All England Lawn Tennis Club, better known to most of us as ‘Wimbledon’ have a little tournament every year named the ‘The Championships’.  This draws crowds from all over the world to watch their Tennis heroes compete for the coveted Mens and Womens singles trophy amongst others.


The All England Lawn Tennis Club Exterior


It has been the pleasure of Lifting Projects UK Limited, after supplying AELTC with a bespoke lifting frame several years ago; to provide our services to put the club owned kiosks into place around the grounds.

Over the past few years we have attended site before each tournament to bring these out of storage and set them up in position ready to supply the masses with food and merchandise before returning them to storage once the Championships have ended.


The All England Lawn Tennis Club Exterior


This is not one of our most complex contracts however it is one of the nicer working environments, even when wet!  Just a pity we weren’t allowed to load out on centre court with the roof on!


The All England Lawn Tennis Club Exterior

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