
Steel Crane Mat – Hire or Buy


While Lifting Projects UK hire out a large selection of Crane Mats, our Steelwise division fabricate engineered steel crane mats in various sizes to meet your bespoke load bearing.

These requirements can range from 60T to 350T loadings in various sizes. All mats can be supplied in the colour of your choice and can have special design features if required to suit your individual needs.

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment regulations 1998 (LOLER) and BS7121 “The code of practice for the safe use of cranes” covers crane hard standing areas and these mats certainly provide a good base to work off.



Example of Sizes already supplied to satisfied customers:

1.75m x 1.75m Engineered Steel crane mat

These mats are capable of transmitting to ground a 60T load through a circular outrigger foot/pad of approximately 550mm diameter.

2.5m x 3m Engineered Steel crane mat
These mats are capable of transmitting to ground a 160T load through a circular outrigger foot/pad of approximately 900mm diameter.

7.5m x 2.2m Engineered Steel crane mat
These mats are capable of transmitting to ground a 210T load through a circular outrigger foot/pad of approximately 700 x 700mm.


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